Sunday, November 27, 2011

As of today...December 18th, 2011, Violent Noise Atrocities is closed until further notice. I will still be operating the mail order section as well as the Churner Discogs page, but no new releases for the near future.

For the past four years i have been doing this label as well as working 75-80 hours a week at my job, and it has finally caught up with me this year. Anyone who knows me knows i have been sick off and on the entire year and it finally hit a point where i was in the Emergency Room tuesday from lack of oxygen brought on by yet another case of bronchitis. Which the doctors have been telling me is probably re-occurring because stress is killing my immune system. For someone who has not been sick since the age of 15 with anything other than high blood pressure (age 33), this has been a major struggle. 

But fear not, this is not the end...i am just taking a break and getting things back to normal...which is still pretty intense by most peoples standards.
